Aug 262013

Why argue when you can discuss? Why go for the jugular when you can go for the gold? In CLASH!, we explore how using the right words can spawn more collaborative–and therefore more creative–workplaces. “By taking a moment to choose more interdependent words,” we write, “you could transform a snake pit into a brain trust.”

This passage from CLASH! caught the keen eye of the “Minds for Business” columnist at the APS Observer. Read more about linguistic fixes for better workplace cultures here and in CLASH! Chapter 8 (“Love’s Labour’s Lost: Workplace Cultures”).

Aug 132013
Madame Curie

Any scientist who has ever talked about her work with people not in her field knows how hard it can be to convey just what is so cool about what she does. Jargon, unspoken assumptions, and a PhD’s worth of background knowledge get in the way of snazzy stories and gripping take-home messages. And so a recent review of CLASH! rings all the sweeter for its appreciation of our writing. “CLASH! is remarkably readable, written in dynamic prose that’s all too rare in this type of book,” The Conference Board Review wrote, “and the authors resist going too far into the realm of pop psychology and self-help. It’s a genuinely substantial work.” Read the whole review here.

Jun 122013

This one was fun to make: A Huffington Post multimedia slideshow illustrating the 8 culture clashes, plus a scorecard readers can use to figure out how independent and interdependent they tend to be. PLUS: pics of Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, and LL Cool J, not to mention video of Michael Moore and Merida. Hope you enjoy this one as much as we do!

Jun 112013

The Washington Post named CLASH! one of “Eight Books to Make You Smarter” on its innovator’s summer reading list. “This might just be the perfect summer book to read before a family vacation to visit the in-laws,” wrote Dominic Basulto. “Any book that gets props from Amy Chua of ‘Tiger Mother’ fame is worth reading to understand the deep cultural conflicts that determine how we raise our kids and who we choose to govern us.”

May 052013

Psychology Today profiles CLASH! in its May 2013 issue under the headline “The Real Culture Wars.” Journalist Matt Huston writes about three trade-offs that people make when using their independent versus interdependent sides.

May 042013

Kara Platoni of Stanford Magazine sat down with Hazel and Alana to discuss Clash! in “About Our Antagonisms.” Among the morsels, Hazel talks about the Japanese art vendor who praised her for picking out the watercolors “that all the American women like,” and Alana reveals “an excellent project for the 21st century.”

Feb 132013

“This book is a passkey that opens many doors. Using one simple principle, Clash! explains some of the most bedeviling cultural divides in our workplaces and communities.  It’s mandatory reading for teachers, managers, and parents who want to raise their kids to succeed in a multicultural world.”—Chip Heath, PhD, coauthor, Decisive: How To Make Better Choices in Life and Work and Switch: How To Change When Change Is Hard

“What a brilliant, eye-opening book!  Filled with insight, and based on fascinating original research, Clash! offers a way to understand and break through some of the deepest cultural divides of our time. It’s a page-turner — fun, witty, engagingly written.”—Amy Chua, author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

“If you fear that cultural, political, and class differences are tearing America apart, read this important book to learn how we can turn some of our differences into strengths.”—Jonathan Haidt, PhD, author of The Righteous Mind;

Clash! offers deep insights into how our cultures and culture clashes make us who we are, and how that matters for success in the 21st century. Everyone should read this book.”—Carol S. Dweck, PhD, author of Mindset

“In these days of heedless enthusiasm for gene maps and brain scans, Clash! reminds us that human beings are, above all, culture-bearing, culture-sharing, and culture-shaping animals. This thoroughly engaging book shows that to know a person, one must know a culture.”—Barry Schwartz, PhD, author of The Paradox of Choice and Practical Wisdom

 “Better than any book I know, Clash! illuminates the cultural influences in our everyday lives and how they underlie the major identity clashes of our times. This delightfully written book also imparts a better understanding of ourselves.”—Claude Steele, PhD, author, Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do

“A brilliant and highly accessible exposition of new scientific findings about profound cultural differences. As the world grows smaller and flatter, the wisdom of Clash! will prove essential for effective functioning.”—Richard E. Nisbett, PhD, author, Intelligence and How to Get It

“Finally! An entertaining and scientifically rigorous explanation of how our cultures work on us and how we can work on them.  Clash! is a must-read for crafting effective personal change strategies that work within and across most cultures.”—Philip Zimbardo, PhD, author, The Lucifer Effect

“In the conflict of cultures lies, paradoxically, the ability to construct a self with integrity, agility, and the potential to grow in ways previously unimagined. Full of good science and sage advice, Clash! provides the evidence and strength to approach the hard question, “Who am I?”—Mahzarin Banaji, PhD, coauthor, Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People

“In this eye-opening guide to becoming a more complete person in a divided world, difference (ethnic, religious, racial, political, gender) is a virtue. Clash! expresses the biggest idea in cultural psychology of the past three decades.”—Richard Shweder, PhD, author, Why Do Men Barbecue? Recipes for Cultural Psychology

“We all see the daily battles around us – liberals versus conservatives, religious conservatives versus the more secular, and so on. This book explains why these battles are so fierce and the sides seem so unwilling to compromise.”—Ed Diener, PhD, coauthor, Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth